
Making it Through The BIG Transition to School

Fall brings change. For some Fall is an admired time of year as we slip out of Summer weather and kids go back to a more structured life! For others it brings mounting stress and worry about their child’s potential success or failure in new learning environments. Has enough been done, is my child ready,…

Autism Speaks Expert Q & A on Emotional Regulation in Autism

***This is a repost from Autism Speaks Click here to View*** Expert Q&A: Understanding emotional regulation in autism May 19, 2022 Emotional regulation is the ability to cope with situations that cause emotions like stress, anxiety or frustration. Sometimes, people with autism have a harder time regulating their emotions. They may rely on unique self-soothing strategies…

Motivating Operations.. what are they? How do they work?

You know that feeling when you’ve gone for a long run and finally get some water or when your mom is baking cookies all day and then tells you that you can have one when you’re all done with homework? These are examples of motivating operations in action; one naturally occurring and one set up…

5 Days and Ways to Celebrate Labor Day at Home!

Activities Autism to Celebrate Labor Day With all the hustle and bustle of parades, barbecues, fireworks, flags, and vacations Labor Day can be disorienting and overwhelming for children with Autism. Then consider that the concept of employment and the meaning behind Labor Day can be tricky for little ones to understand. To help your child on…

Generalization: What is it and Why it matters!

Children with Autism may have difficulty demonstrating a needed response in environments and situations not included when learning that response. When this is the case, generalization is the skill lacking here. This can present itself in many ways such as across people, materials used, physical locations and ways in which opportunities to respond are stated…