

Nicole has a background in special education and Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). With a passion for early childhood development, Nicole specializes in helping young children successfully transition into preschool settings within the community. Nicole loves to focus on fostering independence, social engagement, and foundational learning skills to set children up for long-term success.


I received my Masters in Applied Behavior Sciences from the University of Kansas in 2024 and have worked in the ABA field since 2021. I have experience in clinical, in-home and community settings. I am passionate about early intervention and providing our clients and their families with skills that will improve their lives. I choose…


I received my Master's in Special Education with an emphasis in Applied Behavior Analysis. Ever since 2010, I have loved playing a role in a child’s first words, helping a child gain friendships, and providing training resources to caregivers, educators, and staff. Since working for Aspire Behavioral Solutions, I have felt encouraged to pursue the…


I've worked in the ABA field since 2021 and recently received my BCBA credential. My favorite part about working in the ABA field is watching the children's progress throughout their time with us. I love the excitement that comes from the entire team when a kiddo has finally demonstrated a skill they've worked so hard…


I’ve received my Master’s in Early Intervention in Autism and Sensory impairment and a specialist degree in Behavior Analysis. Since 2015 I’ve worked with kids and adults with autism and challenging behaviors in the clinic, home, and residential setting. I’ve chosen an emphasis in early intervention because I love working with small children and helping…


I've worked in the ABA field since 2016 and the early childhood development for years prior to ABA. I choose to be a part of Aspire because they value family. My favorite part of being a BCBA is being able to see how our kids are learning and growing each and every day as well…

Lydia Jennings

I began working in the field of ABA in 2004. After receiving my Master’s degree in Psychology from California State University, Los Angeles in 2008 and receiving my Board Certified Behavior Analyst certification in 2010, I continued to pursue great learning opportunities for my own clinical skill advancement. I’ve had the opportunity to work in…