COVID19 Update: Aspire is committed to meeting your child’s needs and we are providing ABA treatment services at this time. Please reach out for more information about our services or to learn about our safety protocols in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Aspire provides ABA services to young children diagnosed with Autism in order to help them progress and meet developmental milestones. An array of service options are available to your child receive ABA at Aspire; these include but are not limited to: direct 1:1 treatment, group learning opportunities, in-home supports, social groups, preschool readiness programs, community supports, parent and sibling trainings, school services and consultations. Following our intake process, your child’s BCBA will conduct an initial skills assessment to determine current developmental delays and to establish individualized treatment plans and programs to address any deficits in development.
At the core of our Autism programs is the understanding that addressing developmental delays includes working to reduce the developmental gap your child may have when compared to typically developing children by teaching missing skills. However, it is also more deeply focused at reducing any barriers that your child may have that are inhibiting their current learning and improving their ability to learn from more natural settings (i.e., from parents at home, from educational settings such as school, and also in general by the people that they interact with regularly).
At Aspire your child’s treatment is based on the science of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), extensive previous research and ongoing best practice, and relies on the expertise of professional Behavior Analysts’ trained to work with young children with Autism. After Assessment, your Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) makes clinical recommendations on hourly dosages weekly to support maximal developmental progress for your child. As a team, you work your BCBA to develop an ideal schedule of sessions and the BCBA guides when critical or important times to provide intervention may be.
Once your child begins an ABA program with Aspire you will gain access to an electronic record of your child’s treatment program. This secure browser based platform allows you to get in the moment access to your child’s targeted goals for sessions and progress toward those goals via data that is collected during sessions. Additionally, you are provided regular ongoing support from your child’s BCBA to ensure you have the tools to support your child’s development outside of sessions when your child is with you at home or in the community.
Every parent receives training on strategies to effectively teach their child functional skills at home (such as dressing, eating dinner at the table or developing successful interactions with siblings), generalizing skills that they are developing in sessions, guidance on responding to challenging situations that arise, and support in implementing your child’s behavior intervention plan. After this initial training, parents are supported in developing their own goals and applying strategies taught to new situations.
Every six months, your child’s BCBA will update developmental and behavioral progress with a standardized assessment tool and report this progress to you and any funding agency (i.e., health insurance). Any updates or changes needed for treatment are discussed and planned regularly, but no less than at these reassessment periods. For instance, a child may have been receiving all in-home services for several months and a recommendation may be made to support social development by incorporating some time at center for groups and peer interactions. Parents are always advised to voice any concerns, questions or requests that they have to their BCBA and if needed or desired can also reach out to the Clinical Director, Lydia Jennings for additional supports. To learn more about our Autism services reach out by emailing to or calling one of our centers (Kansas 913-802-2227 or Missouri 816-533-5057).
Aspire Behavioral Solutions (ABS) serves the Kansas City community.
These services address the needs of families, interventions for the reduction of challenging behavior, one-on-one parent and staff training, group presentations and workshops, crisis intervention services, feeding interventions, school and agency consultation, and social skills training.
Our clients include individuals or those that serve individuals with autism, or other special needs that may be keeping them from reaching their full potential.
Services provided by Aspire address the needs of children diagnosed with Autism and their families by treating important development delays, addressing behavioral concerns, and by providing parental and family support and training. Working with Aspire means that your child may also have access to our social skills and school readiness groups! In addition to all of the comprehensive programs offered at Aspire for your child you will have the support of a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) in important progress and collaboration meetings (such as progress meetings and IEPs) with other providers and to aid in successful school transition.
Aspire is also available and experienced in providing presentations and workshops for other providers, groups, agencies, and at various conferences on topics related to Autism and ABA.